
Position of the subject and proclisis in neutral contexts [XP]V in 19th century Brazilian writing: Reflexes of a parametric change in BP

Materiais pedagógico(EN):

Coordination: Marco Antonio Rocha Martins (Coordenador) - UFSC LATTES ORCID
Idiom: Portuguese
Finnancial support: CNPq #310094/2017-8


Many studies have confirmed that the 18th and 19th centuries are a
milestone of significant changes, which are at the source of Brazilian Portuguese
grammar, especially in what concerns the syntax of clitic pronouns. Within the
theoretical framework of the parametric change of generative theory, I propose, in this
study plan/research project, an investigation on the evolution of proclisis in finite
sentences in the context of diachronic variation [XP]V in Brazilian writing from the 18th
century, in search of empirical evidence for the theoretical hypothesis that proclisis in
Brazilian Portuguese grammar in that environment is motivated by a single parametric
change in the position of the subject.

Direitos autorais (EN):

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